Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Thanks for every ones wishes. We have been getting help from family, friends neighbors and people from work. Everything is going good. I have some headaches but its getting better everyday. We had the staples removed yesterday and I will have another MRI in about 3 or 4 weeks. We all have confidence that we will be able to get through this stuff. It wont be to long that we will be back to our regular activities.

As far as needing anything from anyone we are doing good. Like I said we've had lots of help the last week. This week seems to be the same.

Thanks again for the gifts, cards, food, candy and wishes. I should be back to work hopefully soon.

Thank you for Danny and his family and anyone who else helped setting this up so that we have been able to avoid the phone calls during this time. It would have just been to exhaustive to keep up with everyone.



  1. Love you tons Brenton & Trini! I'm so glad you are feeling better Brenton and I hope things just continue that way. Know for sure that all the Van Tassell's are thinking about you and praying for you! You have SOOOO many people that love you!!

  2. We love you Brenton! Now get your ass back to work and start pushing polygons!
