Thursday, September 17, 2009

Brenton continues to get better everyday. He was having a really good day and thought he could go coach football practice, it took convincing it was still to early, so he decided he would go for the ride to get out of the house. Yep I got to prove him right he was not feeling to great and realized a ten minute car ride was to much he couldn't wait to get home. So we'll have to take it slow and continue short outing test to know when he's feeling 100% again. He's just itching to get better and be back to his normal routine. For any of us who have had to go through any surgery knows how he feels. Keep bring on all your thoughts and prayers as I believe they can do wonders.



  1. Hah! Great story. I've been through the surgery routine (nowhere near as severe as Brenton's) and the boredom of rehab and then overextending myself and wishing for more boredom. Looks like he gets to stay on the injured reserve list for a little while longer.
    Thanks very much for the updates as well! Give Brenton a big kiss from me. :)

  2. This one time at band camp...
    Oh wait, wrong message board. Hey Brenton, we miss you! But take it easy! You'll be back here 30 minutes and want to go back home and take a nap. Happens to me every morning.
