Wednesday, December 2, 2009


We hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. We got to go to California to visit Trinis brother. Trinis parents gave us our Christmas present early. We had so much fun and enjoyed getting to be with family and really liked getting to all hang out like we use to when we all lived in Utah. It will be a trip we will always remember. Our kids got to see and go to the beach for the first time and we got to see seals. They thought the beach was pretty cool. Upon our visit I got information from Duke University on our second opinion on the pathology report they did. They agree with St Alphonsus hospital in Boise that it is a Grade 2 Astrocytoma. They don't feel its necessary to do any additional testing on it. This again could be good news that this suspicious new tumor is just inflammation from surgery done in September. Or it could mean is this suspicious tumor something new and different. Were hopeful its nothing but inflammation. I guess will know for sure on Dec.29th and will let you know shortly after. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Brenton and Trini

1 comment:

  1. Your are merely suffering from Acute Cranulitis, which is the inflammation due to not eating cranberries all year, then eating too much. You can't handle the juxtaposition of sweetness and tartness.

    But seriously, get better soon. I hope it's just post-op irritation.

    As my dad would say every year around this time, "Mary Krotsmere" ("Mary, Scratch me" in Yiddish). He used to say that instead of "Merry Christmas," since we never did Christmas. But I'll say it:
    Merry Christmas!!!
