Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Back again

Spoke with the doc yesterday and it looks like I have to go back again. There is another branch of the tumor just a bit deeper that seems to be starting to grow. It may have been there before and we couldn't see it until now. The whole process of this is a bit confusing at times.

Initially the doctor cut a bit beyond the original tumor in hope to get anything that may existed that we could not see out as well. The concern with this was that it may effect my speech/language. So to minimize the risk, he just went a bit beyond the original tumor. Since it did not seem to effect my speech, we are going to go a bit deeper in hope again to get this piece of the tumor and anything just a bit beyond. The thought is that since it didn't effect the speech, that the speech part of the brain must be sitting higher then where the tumor currently sits. There are other risks but we are just going to have to see how things work out.

The plan for now is another surgery through the same entrance of my head on Nov 17. During the surgery they are going to place strips similar to a wafer in the effected area of the brain to treat it with chemotherapy. By doing chemo this way they are able to have a direct contact with a higher dosage then what you would be able to get out of the normal injection into the blood stream, that would still have to travel through the body up into the brain. This should keep me from getting very sick and losing my hair. It will cause some swelling and possibly some headaches but it sounds like it will be better then the conventional method.

After surgery and the chemo process, its sounds like we will be doing radiation as well. The theory on this is that the tumor will be mostly removed or reduced. Hopefully we can catch any cells left trying to divide and multiply and treat them with a daily schedule of radiation for a while.

That's the plan for now. Looks like we will end up being at our place for Thanksgiving.

Thank you everyone for all your thoughts prayers and best wishes. Sorry that we haven't been able to contact everyone but this seems like a good way to stay in touch with everyone. It takes a lot out of you and others to verbally communicate all that's going on to everyone.



  1. Brenton I Love you, and I hope that everything goes well. Me and Drayssen are going to try and come down for it if I can get off of work,If I can't then good luck and just know that we are all here and Love you! And Drayssen kives his uncle Brenton Hugs and kisses. We both Love you very much and hopefully we'll be there to go throught his with you!! XOXO

    Jenna & Drayssen

  2. Brenton, now that we love you and are here for you when ever you need us. Be strong and possitive that all will be well with you and your family during this time. We love you guys!!
    Love Mom

  3. Dear Brenton, Trini and Family,
    Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are so sorry you are having to go through this trial. Our prayers are also with the doctors and professionals who will be working with you. Even though we don't see you often know that you are loved and thought of often. With Love, Paul Debbie and Family

  4. Hang in there Brenton, your in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck on the moose hunt. Dan & Tammy

  5. Hey Brenton!
    It looks like you'll be getting all those hugs sooner than you thought! Your faith, love, family, and friends will get you through this once again. We love you and will be there for you always. Meanwhile, take it easy, enjoy your birthday coming up, good luck on the big hunt, and live each day to the fullest! Let us know if there is anything you need in the meantime. Love, Margaret & Larry ;)

  6. Dear Brenton, Trini, and Family,

    You and your family still and always will be in our thoughts and prayers. We take joy in being able to help in anyway that we can. We know that the road ahead might seem long and confusing. We desperately wish for you that we had the ability to find the perfect things to say. Please forgive us, but we are lost in finding eloquent words that will bring you the comfort and strength you so deserve. Please know that we LOVE you ALL! And that LOVE is one of the most "powerful" gifts that has been given to us. Love HEALS the HEART and Love HEALS all things! May you feel the special gift and blessings of LOVE from our Heavenly Father, from our family, and all those who LOVE you. May this LOVE surround you and your family and lift your spirits up, continue to give you comfort and strength beyond anything you can imagine, sustain you and your family with all the blessing that you all stand in need of, and bless you with 100% excellent health and recovery. This is our prayer and this is the deepest desire of our HEARTS, as we are sure that these feelings are shared by many who LOVE you.

    God Bless!

    Michael, Crystal, Candice, Genevieve, Gareth, and Keaira

  7. Brenton and Trini, You guys are so strong and positive and will make it through this!! You guys have a great support system. We love you and are here for you! Let us know if there is anything we can do. Hope to see you soon.
    Larry, Tonya, Chaz & Kobe

  8. Brenton & Trini,
    We wish you the best. You have a treatment plan in place, that is very important. Hope they get the rest of it out of yer head.
    Larry & Sokunthea

  9. Good luck Brenton! I hope that all goes well and that you can recover quickly and that they can remove all of it this time around. Let me know if you ever need anything.


  10. Hi Brenton and family,
    Stay strong and positive!!!!! Your a fighter you can beat this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always. Love ya, Uncle Richard and Aunt Joyce

  11. Brenton,
    I just really got the full info on whats been going on. You know the walkers love you and will have you in our prayers. We miss you guys so much. We had plans to meet up for Thanksgiving. We will be praying for you and of course supporting you in every way possible. Please feel free to call or email me at anytime about anything. You know your family man, and there is nothing like good family in times of need. As mentioned above, your one of the most strong willed individuals I know. You can beat this man, your a warrior.

    I know your such a pillar of stone holding things up and keeping it all together. Our hearts go out to you. The same goes for you anytime, anyplace. Just give us a ring. We love you all....

    Eric, Querida, Quintin, Henry

  12. I'm so deeply hurt that I'm not there to just take the kids for a walk around your neighbor hood or to cook dinner. Please know I'm just a quick flight away. Call/email/text/blog/ whatever type of communication you want to use and I will be on the next flight. You all will make it through this. I love you all and we Walkers will be one of the first to RSVP for your celebration survivor party.


  13. Brenton, So sorry you have to go through all this again. You are an incredible person and so are you Trini. My thoughts are with you at all times. I am always close by if you guys need anything. Hang in there. Love you
