Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Update on Brenton

Brenton's surgery went well. He will be in recovery for about 2 hours, and then he will be moved to ICU. It will be 24 to 48 hours before we will have conclusive information regarding the tumor.


  1. Hi there; I have been trying to keep up on Brenton's condition and I cried myself with joy just knowing that he came out of surgery with complications...now we'll have to wait out the next 24-48 hrs. together!
    I have many friends on FB who don't even no Brenton and yet they have shared prayers and blessing for him, Trini and the kids.
    We will continue to pray for Brenton and the entire family and until we no Brenton is back on his feet and home where he belongs!
    Love Always Aunt Noni

  2. Just spoke with Trini about 10:30 and she said Brenton had a good night and was awake this morning. He is on his way for another MRI and was in good spirits. Will keep ya all posted and thanks alot for all the prayers in his and our families benefit!!! Cory

  3. Just a update from Trini. She said still no results from the biopsy as of yet. She said the nurse told her the MRI looked great but she was not expert like the doctor that needs to read it. So i guess thats all good news and just have to keep waiting and hoping and praying for the best!!
